

Endodonzia: E4

Remove obstructions and broken instruments in the root canal

Endodonzia: P4D

Remove calcification in the coronal third of the rood canal(diamond-coated)

Endodonzia: E3D

Used to remove the calcification and bad filling material of pulp cavity(diamond-coated)

Endodonzia: E3

For the lateral thermal condensation of gutta-percha

Endodonzia: E2

95° supporto angolare, per la pulizia dei canali radicolari

Preparazione cavità: SBR

Half ball diamond tip. Set 45° to the right , to remove the carious teeth without damaging the adjacent teeth

Preparazione cavità: SBL

Half ball diamond tip. Set 45° to the left , to remove the carious teeth without damaging the adjacent teeth

Preparazione cavità: SB3

Removing the caries on distal surface of the adjacent teeth

Parodontologia: P5

Periodontal scaling